Traditional System refers to a Smart Classroom created with Ceramic Interactive White Board, Short Throw Projector, Intel Mini PC, Audio & Accessories.
Scope of Supply , Functionality & Utility of Smart Class Technology ( Basic Solution )
a) Scope of Supply
1. Ceramic Digital Interactive White Board - 82" / 92" diagonal Size 2. 3500 - 4000 ANSI Lumens Brightness, 1280x800 ( WXGA ) resolution Short throw projector for minimising shadow on board. 3. Intel NUC Mini PC with various options : Quad Core/i3/i5 - 4GB/8GB/16GB RAM, 256/512GB SSD, Win10/11 Pro with wireless keyboard & mouse.
4. 2.1 Audio System
5. UPS System
6. Lockable Cabinet with tray to house UPS, Mini PC, Keyboard, Mouse & Shelf to mount Audio System.
7. HDMI signal cable, Power cable, Projector wall mount bracket & installation. Why should one use a short throw projector for Smart Class Application ? 1. Short throw projector eliminates the shadow of the presenter on the surface of the Interactive White Board, thereby enabling the teacher to clearly view the files, icons.
2. Short throw projector also eliminates the light on the eyes of the teacher while facing the students in a classroom. To give an example :
Short throw projector delivers images on 82" diagonal board from a distance of 4 ft maximum whereas a standard throw projector delivers identical image size from a distance of 9 to 10 ft from the board.
short throw projector( minimum Shadow, No light on Teacher's eyes) standard throw projector ( Shadow & Light on Teacher's Eyes)

Operation 1. Mini PC is connected to the Short Throw Projector through the HDMI port.
2. Interactive white board is connected to the Mini PC through the USB port.
3. Interactive White Board Software is installed in the Mini PC
4. White Board is then calibrated for touch & writing
5. Computer contents projected on the digital board can be now fully controlled from the board itself without the need to sit near the PC.
6. White Board / Chalk Board / Graph Board features enable the teacher to write notes, draw graphs, etc.
7. Annotation can be done on existing files like pdf, word, xl etc Functionality & Utility a) Enables Capture of all board work of class sessions for future reference & for sharing purposes if needed. b) Annotation on various file formats, which is the ability to write notes, highlight etc on pdf, word, xl & other file formats on the digital board surface. Ability to record the annotations in a separate file without changing the original file or in the same file as per the teacher's choice. c) Ability to open web-based conferencing software namely zoom, google meet, Microsoft team etc from the digital board surface itself enabling remote class collaboration. d) Empowers the teachers to create store own developed contents with the ability to constantly refine one's own created contents over the existing ones. e) Enables an engaging teacher-student environment due to digital interactivity & access to wide resources of contents, namely Free contents from the net. f) Enables teachers to conduct classes with contents stored in a simple USB Pen Drive. g) Gives the opportunity to both students & teachers to review progress performance if class sessions are diligently captured & a proper file system is maintained. h) Increases quality class time as teachers can avoid repetitive board work.